Monday, June 1, 2009

A little about me.

I grew up in Tucson.  My great grandfather came to this area, my Grandfather, Father and I were all born here.  I love the Sonoran Desert.  I love the winter's and try not to complain about the heat in the Summer.  I was taught in the Public School system (Amphitheater)and I feel I missed out on the education I could have had because of it.  It wasn't all bad though.  We said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning through grade school.  I feel any good school teaches economics and includes creating and using a balanced zero-based budget.  My parents raised me with their ideals which at the time was the Democratic party (Don't stop reading, remember I am a strong Conservative.)  They taught me to love my country, respect my elders and never take for granted my freedom and those who have fought and still do fight for it.  They taught me to love Jesus but never took me to church because they couldn't agree on which church (Dad-Baptist, Mom-Catholic.) They taught me to walk away from insults, but defend physical attacks.  They taught me that I alone was responsible for my actions and my own future.  I got spankings when I deserved them and feared my parents discipline more than anyone else's.  It was a good upbringing.  I would have appreciated more teaching of religion looking back, but they taught me what I needed.  My Mom taught me how to argue and my Dad taught me how to be a diplomat and how to fist fight (yeah, like a real man).  I was a jock, sports anytime all the time.  I have always been happiest doing something physical.  I was given my first computer at about eight years old.  Sure I played video games, but I taught myself to program in Basic by the time I was 10.  I understood computers and taught myself more and more while still playing any sport I could during the day.  My parents taught me to never take no as an answer and to stand for what I believe in.  I had teacher's in high school who gave me lower grades because I spoke against their hatred of the Armed Forces (spill over's from the 60's.) I got mad, but it didn't matter.  High School grades didn't really mean a whole lot for college then.  I got into a lot of fights because I wouldn't let anyone push me around.  I didn't care how big the guy was, I'd fight if it called for it.  I lost and I won.  I learned more from loosing than winning.  When I was in baseball growing up, if you can believe this, we kept score. Not everyone played an equal amount of time and we lost the game when the other team played better.  

My parents always voted for the Democrat on the ballot and still do. They did teach me however that you vote for the guy you think is right, not the party.   As I grew up I began to pay attention to politics. The first Iraq war really charged me up.  Many students were protesting the war and the soldiers fighting the war which made me angry.  I got together with some friends and formed a group that supported the war and especially the soldiers.  I would go to the airport to see the soldiers off  and welcome them home whenever I could get the correct time and date.  I didn't know them, I wanted them to be reminded of what they were fighting for and know they had my support.  I'd also thank their families for their sacrifice. After High School I went to college for a computer science degree.

Somewhere along the way the country took a hard step to the left along with the Republican party.  My parents followed the Democratic party, while I kept my Ideals and often agreed with the Republican party.  I found myself as a Democrat voting for the Republican candidates.    I met a wonderful woman and eventually married her.  She got me to church (WELS.) I was finally Baptized and confirmed a Lutheran. We had our first son and I accepted a job as a Police Officer with the City of Tucson at about the same time.  I left Computer science behind because I couldn't stand what was happening on the streets and felt it was a way to do something about the problem rather than just complain about it.  I started thinking more as a family and how my life is an example to my kids.  Before Jon's first birthday I changed my party affiliation to Republican and my wife followed suit. 

You really get to see how the government works when you work for them.  Unfortunately they also tie your hands a bit when you try to get involved in politics.  It could cost you your job if you go to far.  So I would tell anyone who would listen what I have seen and what was going on, but it didn't seem to go anywhere.  I would write my representatives and that really never received a good response.  Enter the blog and Conservative talk radio.  Now I have a way to get my views out.  Anonymously when necessary and sometimes not.  Lately with the election of PresBo my attention to government has gone into hyperdrive.  Just like I couldn't just sit back and watch as people get victimized by crime, I just can't stand still and watch as the country is destroyed by PresBo.  Unfortunately, I can't change careers to effect the problems and the problems with crime still persist.  As I work more and more as an Officer I have come to understand that the problem with crime is tied to policy.  The police indeed are making arrests.  The problem is the criminals aren't being punished.  Either the Prosecutors decide it would take to much energy, time and money to prosecute a crime so they just don't or they are found guilty and they get probation when they don't deserve it.  I have decided that despite what happens after I make an arrest, the arrest will still be made and I will do my job.  

I ask myself a question.  While continuing my service how do I effect politics.  I have to balance the time I spend so that I do not neglect my career or my family.  So I blog, I interact with talk radio, I write my representatives and I vote.  I don't "just vote" either.  I think this is the worst campaign ever. The campaign should read: "Be an Informed Voter." I get to know the issue and pick a side I am comfortable with.  And by comfortable I mean, I understand my position and can explain my decision to my 9 year old so he understands. If I don't understand an issue I do something unheard of.  I research it.  I research it or I don't vote on it.  It is OK to leave a space blank on the ballot if you don't understand it.  It's actually your civic duty to do so.  A vote is no more than a poll of the people to determine the direction of the city, county, State or country.  If you blindly vote on the line item you know nothing about you have betrayed this responsibility and your country.  Yes, to me it IS that serious.  For the same reason you shouldn't vote for anyone in a position you know nothing about.  If you vote for the name you recognize, but don't know what that person has done or is planning to do than you are a disgrace to the country.  If you vote simply because the person has a (D) or a (R) in front of his name it is the same.  And FOR GOD's SAKE, if you vote for who you think will win because you don't want to be on the losing side you are an IDIOT! You deserve to have your voting privileges revoked because you have to be eighteen to vote and you are acting like a child.  Grow up!

So I continue writing my representatives.  They know my name and where I stand.  I bring to light the good and bad I  see.  I don't know where my life will lead, but some things will always hold true.  I will always have faith in god through the study of his word.  I will always love my family and my country.  I will always fight for what is right and I will always be involved.  I dare you to do the same!

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