Monday, June 1, 2009

Letter to Jesse Kelly

I sent this letter to jesse Kelly and received a response from a friend of mine.  I didn't know it at the time, but Bret Summers is his Campaign Manager.  Bret is an old squad mate of mine.  He was a cop until he was injured fighting a man much larger than him.  He won that fight arrested the guy.  He was forced to retire. Now he does what he can to help.  he's never stopped fighting for what is right.  he is a good guy to have beside you.  He assured me that Jesse was aware of the issues I outline here.  I believe he is for obvious reasons.  I know most others are not aware so here is what i sent him:

I would like to hear your take on the judicial system.  For too 
> long we have had County Prosecutor who dismisses, never files or 
> waives Felony crimes with no other motivation than "if crime is not 
> prosecuted then it's not in my budget." She'll use other transparent 
> speak to explain it away, but this is the underlying reason.  The 
> prosecutors are paid by performace which further encourages them to 
> only push the easy case through.  The result is misdemeanor charges 
> for crimes or nothing at all.  This means a fine.  There are 
> threshhold amounts for illegal drug possession as well which is 
> outragous.  You can now carry a usable amount of Crack or 
> Methamphetamine and only get charged with misdemeanor paraphernalia if 
> caught!  Waiving Felony charges is a direct violation of the Victim's 
> Bill of Rights and does not allow the Victims input into prosecution in some cases.  Waiving Felony charges also effects setencing for future crimes.
> Many Felony convictions have detailed sentencing guidelines which 
> increase the severity due to previous convictions.  When those 
> previous arrests are convicted under the misdemeanor alternative, they 
> don't count.  Also it is appaling to me that any attack and/or assault 
> of a Police Officer is prosecuted as a misdemeanor simply because the 
> officer is aware enough not to allow him/herself to be injured in the 
> event.  It is funny how the same is not true for the assault of a 
> prosecuter.  reduction in violent crime can only be achieved if we do 
> three things.  Enforce the current immigration laws,secure the border 
> and prosecute existing state laws.  if criminals pay no penalty for 
> the crimes they commit, then why not commit them. Yes prosection of 
> crimes is costly up front, but once we set an example of strict 
> enforcement we will see a decline in the amount of crime comitted and 
> a drastic reduction in the money spent to prosecute and house felons.  
> This may mean more prisons, but the repeat offenders are locked up.  
> This means less property loss and less victims of violent crime.  You are also providing more jobs, you just are moving money around to do it.
> The public is not aware of this.  This is all true and the felony 
> waiver policy of the Pima County Prosecutor's Office is public record.
> ..and yes, I am a cop and I will continue to do my job even if Barbara 
> Lawall fails to do hers.  Get this out to the people, make them aware, 
> they will be outraged, and they will listen and support you.

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